
Japanese Animation:East Asian Perspectives

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Contributions by Kenny K. N. Chow, Sheuo Hui Gan, Hiroshi Ikeda, Sonoko Ishida, Tokumitsu Kifune, Joon Yang Kim, Dong-Yeon Koh, Masashi Koide, Akiko Sano, Akiko Sugawa-Shimada, Nobuyuki Tsugata, Yasushi Watanabe, and Makiko Yamanashi

Japanese Animation: East Asian Perspectives makes available for the first time in English a selection of viewpoints from media practitioners, designers, educators, and scholars working in the East Asian Pacific. This collection not only engages a multidisciplinary approach in understanding Japanese animation but also shows ways to research, teach, and more fully explore this multidimensional world.

Presented in six sections, the translated essays cross-reference each other. The collection adopts a wide range of critical, historical, practical, and experimental approaches. This variety provides a creative and fascinating edge for both specialist and nonspecialist readers. Contributors' works博客來網路書店 share a common relevance, interest, and involvement despite their regional considerations and the different modes of analysis demonstrated. They form a composite of teaching and research ideas on Japanese animation.

Japanese Animation:East Asian Perspectives


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